Our Clinic
A team of surgeons share nearly 1,000 procedures per year.
The expertise gained has allowed, among other things, the organization of international workshops focused on 'redo' surgery.
Robotic surgery is also one of the available tools.
The activity of these surgeons is primarily carried out in collaboration with 4 anesthetists, who have, as a result, gained particular expertise, evidenced by their GRACE certification (Enhanced Recovery).
In the long term, patients must be able to benefit from appropriate follow-up care. Hence, the importance of nutritional follow-up to prevent deficiencies and imbalances in body composition.
The role of the coordinating nurses is to guide the patient through this in-hospital network.
This journey can be conducted in French, Dutch, or English.
When surgery is considered, each surgeon offers personalized care. Every patient has a unique path, but the basic framework of the journey is common.
The core of this network consists of a nutritionist, dietitians, psychologists, internists, anesthetists, and physiotherapists.
Each surgical indication is discussed and then validated in a multidisciplinary meeting. This ensures the highest quality and continuous updating of our practices.
Consultations are by appointment only at +32 2 434 52 30.
If you don't know a specific doctor, please contact one of our coordinating nurses:
- Ms. Lutgarde SEGAERT (+32 2 434 60 60 / lutgarde.segaert@chirec.be)
- Ms. Christine DHAESE (christine.dhaese@chirec.be)
The Integrated Nutrition Clinic (CIA) is located on the first floor of the Delta Hospital.
Consultations are by appointment only:
- Tel: +32 2 434 52 30
If you do not know a specific doctor, please contact one of our coordinating nurses:
- Ms. Lutgarde SEGAERT (+32 2 434 60 60 - lutgarde.segaert@chirec.be)
- Ms. Christine DHAESE (christine.dhaese@chirec.be)
The Integrated Nutrition Clinic (CIA) is located on the first floor of the Delta Hospital.
Nos infirmières coordinatrices
Infirmière coordinatrice
Infirmière coordinatrice
Infirmière coordinatrice trajet patient
Nos secrétaires
Notre équipe de chirurgiens digestifs
Chef de service de Chirurgie Digestive et Responsable de Clinique Intégrée de l'Alimentation

Chirurgien digestif
Chirurgien digestif

Chirurgienne digestive et responsable du trajet de soins néerlandophone

Chirurgien digestif

Chirurgien digestif

Chirurgien digestif
Chirurgien digestif

Chirurgienne digestive

Nos médecins nutritionnistes
Médecin nutritionniste

Médecin nutritionniste
Nos diététiciennes
Notre kinésithérapeute du sport
Nos psychologues
Nos anesthésistes
Calculate your Body Mass Index
The calculation of Body Mass Index (BMI) is done using a very simple formula :
BMI = Weight (in kg) ÷ Height² (in meters)
Your weight is considered "normal" if your BMI is between 20 and 25.
If your BMI is above 25, you are considered overweight.
Example :
65 (kg) ÷ (1.75 × 1.75) = 21.2