What you should know before leaving hospital
In order to provide the best possible care for all our patients, we would ask you to make arrangements to vacate your room before 11am on the day of your departure (once you have been discharged).
We invite you to send us your comments and suggestions by completing the satisfaction questionnaire given to you during your stay.

Medical follow-up:
- Your doctor and his team will be responsible for your medical care.
- If you have any questions about your health or your treatment, please do not hesitate to contact your doctor.
Billing and invoice:
- An invoice will be issued within 2 months of your stay. Part of the amount will be covered by your mutual insurance company and/or your private insurance. The balance, if any, will be sent to you in the form of an invoice.
It is important that the contact details you give us when you register are correct so that your bill reaches you quickly. After two reminders, unpaid invoices are passed on to a debt collection agency.
- If you have any questions about your bill, you can contact the ‘Patient Administrative and Financial Contact’ service on site or by telephone.
- For all other non-financial questions, you can contact the hospital's Patient Relations Department. A mediation service is also available.